Bachelor's Degree

Become a Key Player in Global Business

Purchasing and Logistics Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering

Are you passionate about engineering and business? Our accredited Purchasing and Logistics Engineering programme merges these fields seamlessly. During your studies, you will gain cutting-edge knowledge and skills to excel in strategic roles, such as managing supply chains, optimising purchasing processes, or leading logistics operations for global organisations. In the future, you can use your skills to improve the competitiveness of companies worldwide.

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A group of people working
240 ECTS credits
08.01.2025 - 22.01.2025
Bachelor of Engineering
Technology and transport
Full-time studies

Why Choose Our Purchasing and Logistics Engineering Programme?

International Exposure

Study in a multicultural environment in Finland, where internationality becomes an integral part of your daily life.

Comprehensive Learning Outcomes

Our programme equips you with the skills and knowledge to:

  • Ensure efficient, effective, and economical movement of goods, information, capital, and people.
  • Play a critical role in the competitiveness and success of modern businesses.
  • Prepare for specialist and management positions with the ability to plan, develop, implement, and manage purchasing and logistics activities.
  • Collaborate with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Curriculum Highlights

Designed in close cooperation with experts from different sectors of the business, our curriculum reflects the latest research and the evolving needs of the future working life.

  • Basic Studies: Build a strong foundation with courses in language and communication, natural sciences, and engineering fundamentals.
  • Advanced Professional Studies: Dive deep into economy, management, purchasing, and global logistics operations. Develop your competence by focusing on circular economy, business management or logistics management.
  • Practical Training: Gain invaluable hands-on experience, applying your knowledge in real-world settings.
  • Final Thesis: Tackle real-world challenges through a final thesis that combines practical and theoretical research, demonstrating your expertise and readiness for the professional world.

Degree Structure: Bachelor of Engineering, 240 ECTS credits

Purchasing and Logistics Competence

  • Purchasing and logistics, 45 ECTS credits
  • Technology, 28 ECTS credits
  • Basic Engineering Mathematics and Physics, 15 ECTS credits
  • Applied Mathematics and Natural Sciences in Logistics, 15 ECTS credits
  • Advanced Professional studies
    • Logistics Management, 0-30 ECTS credits
    • Circular Economy, 0 - 15 ECTS credits
    • Business Management, 0 - 15 ECTS credits
  • Research-based development 15 ECTS credits (Research and Development, Final Thesis)
  • Practical Training 1, 2 and 3, 30 ECTS credits

Complementary Competence

  • Languages and Communication Studies, 11 ECTS credits
  • Student Wellbeing in Studies and at Work, 5-10 ECTS credits
  • Mathematics support, 0-6 ECTS credits
  • Future Factory, 15 - 33 ECTS credits

Study Experience at Jamk

  • Interactive Learning: Engage with lectures, teamwork, laboratory work, online studies, practical assignments, and co-operation with working life.
  • International Opportunities: Broaden your horizons by spending a semester or completing your practical training abroad.
  • Support and Guidance: Receive personalised support from career tutors who assist with course selection and provide practical advice to enhance your student life.
  • Development Project: Tackle real-world business challenges in your final thesis, integrating theoretical knowledge with practical application. 

Attendance and Flexibility

First- and second-year studies will have an 80 % attendance requirement. This means that you are required to attend at least 80 % of the teaching hours offered. However, if you have difficulties obtaining a residence permit by the beginning of the autumn semester, Jamk offers you the possibility to study remotely for at least 15 ECTS credits during the autumn semester of 2025. We expect you to be able to continue your studies on campus in the spring semester. This means that the online study mode will not be possible from January 2026 onwards. You can and should study in-class as soon as you receive the residence permit.

By participating in lessons, you will learn important work-life skills such as teamwork and interaction skills and get to know your fellow students.

If you need to be absent for compelling reasons, such as illness, you can discuss and agree on justified absences with your teachers. 

Further studies

After accumulating at least two years of work experience post-graduation, you're eligible to apply for master's degree studies. You can also further your education by applying for university master's degree programs or similar offerings. Moreover, a bachelor's degree from a university of applied sciences opens doors to higher education institutes abroad for master's-level studies. Continued education opportunities include specialisation studies, open courses, and career-oriented continuing education. 

A graduate with a master's degree from a university of applied sciences can apply for postgraduate studies in science or arts at universities (Act 558/2009, Section 37).

Career Prospects

As a graduate of the Purchasing and Logistics Engineering programme, you have a wide range of career opportunities. Potential roles include for example:

  • Planning and Development: Planner, Developer, Manager, Consultant, Supervisor, Entrepreneur
  • Procurement and Sourcing: Procurement Specialist, Buyer, Purchasing Engineer, Category Buyer, Procurement and Sourcing Analyst, Sourcing Specialist
  • Logistics and Supply Chain: Logistics Engineer, Development Engineer, Inventory Manager, Supply Chain Coordinator, Warehouse Manager, Logistics Manager, Transport Manager

These roles span various sectors and industries, ensuring that your skills are in demand globally. 

From Student to Professional: The Inspiring Journey of Jamk’s Logistics Alumni

Jamk’s international alumni, Bushra Faruque, shares her experiences of studying in Finland and in the Purchasing and Logistics Engineering programme. Get ready for a captivating glimpse into student life, challenges and achievements within this high-quality degree programme. Through the eyes of the alumni, you'll discover what kind of environment Finland and Jamk provide for learning and professional growth.

I have been enjoying studying purchasing and logistics at Jamk. One of the reasons is that my previous work experience aligns well with my current studies, making me feel that I am improving my skills.

Kosuke Yoshikawa

Read Kosuke's story

Learning logistics not only helps you to understand how a company operates and develops, but most importantly, how to save and make money from a practical point of view. The knowledge I gained at Jamk, helped me a lot as I worked on projects. I learned how to adapt and apply theories into practice.

Duyen Tran Le Truc

Read Duyen Tran's story


Instructions and admission criteria
Read more about the application process!

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Kevään ensimmäisessä yhteishaussa haetaan englanninkielisiin AMK-tutkintoihin. Hae 8.-22.1.2025 klo 15 mennessä!

Tuition fees and scholarships

Read about the tuition fee and scholarship policy of Jamk UAS. The tuition fee for bachelor's degrees per academic year is 10 000€. The tuition fee for master's degrees per academic year is 12 000€. Scholarship available under certain conditions.

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Contact information

Marjo Turunen

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
Uudistuvan teollisuuden instituutti, Institute of New Industry
Teknologia, School of Technology