Student story
Jari encourages you to apply to the Full Stack Software Development degree programme even without a solid technological background.
Jari Suni, Solution Architect, Gofore
Read Jari's storyMaster's Degree
Full Stack Software Developer education is to respond to the growing challenges of software engineering. Gain understanding of modern software development tools and methods and become familiar with the most important technologies and application frameworks, both for back and front end.
The student knowledge profile is dictated through his/her personal learning plan.
The student gains understanding of modern software development tools and methods and knows the most important technologies and application frameworks. The students has capability to design and implement software solutions, both for backend and frontend.
The student will have the ability for life-long learning professionally, make decisions and communicate effectively as part of a multinational student group. The student knows how to conduct research ethically.
The studies include all parts of the software development lifecycle from requirements management and service design to continuous deployment and maintenance by using agile methods and a modern tool chain. During the studies, we go through programming of (web-based) user interfaces to system integration and backend development.
If you have a previously completed Bachelor or Master level degree, you deal with data and know how to program, do apply. The extent of the education is 60 – 90 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) depending on the degree. For example, for someone with a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (B.Eng.) it is 60 ECTS, and for someone with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (BBA) it is 90 ECTS.
As a part-time student, you can complete the programme in approximately two years. It is also possible to complete the programme in one year as full-time studies.
Full Stack Software Development programme covers the main aspects of modern software development. You gain understanding of development tools and methods, become familiar with popular application frameworks, and learn to improve user experience. You need to have two years of working experience in the ICT field and motivation to graduate. You can complete the studies while working.
After completing the studies, you can work as a software developer designing and developing applications by utilising modern software methods and tools, both for front and back end.
The graduate may apply to continue on to postgraduate studies in science or arts at universities (Act 558/2009, Section 37) and in the school of professional teacher education. Studies can be continued by applying for corresponding post-degree education at universities abroad, for example. A university of applied sciences also provides opportunities for continuing education in the form of specialisation studies, open studies, an online study portal (CampusOnline) and working life based continuing education.
Student story
Jari encourages you to apply to the Full Stack Software Development degree programme even without a solid technological background.
Jari Suni, Solution Architect, Gofore
Read Jari's storyIf you have questions about study contents, contact me.