Language Centre

The Jamk Language Centre provides language and communication skills courses which are required for the degrees granted by Jamk University of Applied Sciences. In addition, a wide selection of elective language courses is offered.

A woman and a man studying in the classroom with their own laptops

On request, we offer training that can be tailored to meet the needs of Jamk staff and customers outside the university. The Language Centre provides language and communication skills courses also via Open Studies.

Language and Communication Studies

The Language Centre is responsible for all language and communication teaching and development of teaching in the area.

All courses in Jamk Open UAS

Study paths and single courses. Pick your own!

Projects and Service Sales

We are happy to participate in cooperation projects and arrange training services by agreement. Further information: Pirkko Pollari.

Contact Language Centre

Please contact us by submitting a service request if you have any questions or feedback to us. If for some reason you are unable to login, you can send us a message via Language Centre contact form.


Pirkko Pollari

Päällikkö, Kielikeskus, Manager, Language Centre
Kielikeskus, Language Centre
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services

Kati Riivari

Koulutussuunnittelija, Education Planner
Kielikeskus, Language Centre
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services

Eeva Lamminpää

Koulutuskoordinaattori, Education Coordinator
Kielikeskus, Language Centre
Korkeakoulupalvelut, University Services