IFME Forum

IFME network is cooperation between companies and universities in the field of mechanical engineering. Strong dialogue between industry and universities to support public sector decision making, also new insight to new cooperation possibilities.

What is IFME?

IFME network is cooperation between companies and universities in the field of mechanical and mechatronic engineering.

Strong dialogue between industry and universities to support public sector decision making, also new insight to new cooperation possibilities.

Our aim is to further develop IFME to have more power and a stronger profile in order to meet the future challenges in European Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering industry and education (IFM2E) .

IFM2E is an annual seminar taking place in different European countries

The IFM2E is organized by the local universities in different countries. All of those universities represent the most active operator collaborating with industry. The forms of cooperation have quite a variety from projects done as a part of the educational courses to consulting or joint development projects or staff training. On the other hand these universities represent also the most active ones in development of the education both in substance and in pedagogical methods.

IFM2E Networks

European Network

The Network brings educators together to discuss and develop competitiveness in European Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering industry and strengthen the information between the industry and education. It is also a platform to discuss and decide new national and international actions and projects.

Expertise Network

IFM2E brings together technology expertsin the field of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering. The Network provides expertise to overcome all the challenges finding new technologies and new solutions. Universities can also provide training and consulting services for industries.

Degree Education Network

The aim of the Network is to improve the engineering education, the competitive advantage and quality of education. Methods to improve the engineering education, the competitive advantage and quality of education are

R&D&I –Network

There is an International R&D&I cooperation between universities and companies. The aim of the R&D&I -network is to energise new innovations based on the industrial and educational interface. The projects can be carried out together. Universities can provide a possibility to use their laboratories in projects, for example using test and analysis equipment in projects.


Annual Forums

International Forums of Mechanical Engineering are held once a year.

IFM2E 2024

IFM2E 2024 is one part of the 15th Finnish Mechanics Days, Jamk University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä, Finland, 2.-4.10.2024

IFM2E 2023

Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Cluj Napoca, Romania, 21.-22.11.2023

IFM2E 2022

Higher Polytechnic School of Jaén, University of Jaén, Spain 30.11.-1.12.2022

IFM2E 2021

JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä, Finland, 1. - 2.2021

IFM2E 2019

School of Engineering, University of Jaén, Spain, 20. - 21.11.2019

IFM2E 2018

HfWU Nürtingen-Geislingen, Nürtingen, Germany, 22. - 23.11.2018

IFM2E 2017

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 15. - 16.11.2017

IFM2E 2016

JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä, Finland, 16. - 17.11.2016

IFM2E 2015

Hochschule Esslingen, University of Applied Sciences, Esslingen, Germany, 16.-17.9.2015.

IFME 2014

Planning meeting of IFM2E seminars 24.-25.11.2014 at JAMK

IFME 2013

Hochschule Esslingen, University of Applied Sciences, Esslingen, Germany, from 28 to 30.11.2013.

IFME 2012

The 7th International Forum of Mechanical Engineering (IFME) was held in Miskolc, Hungary.

IFME 2011

The 6th International Forum of Mechanical Engineering (IFME) was held in Dornbirn, Austria, on 24-26 November 2011. The Forum theme was Simulation Methods in Industrial Labour and Education (SMILe).

IFME 2010

IFME 2010 was held in Jyväskylä, Finland. The Forum theme was "Opportunities for Mechanical Engineering in Renewable Energy Technologies".

IFME 2009

IFME 2009 was held in Esslingen, Germany. The Forum was held from 26th to 28th November 2009 at the University of Applied Sciences in Esslingen. The Forum theme was "From Global Production to Global Development?".

The aim of the Forum was to answer the following questions:

  • How about the development of the products?
  • In which cases is it necessary to have development also spread over the different markets?
  • In which cases will a centralized development from the home country work well?

IFME 2008

IFME 2008 was held in Cherbourg, France. The Forum theme was "Quality, Security and Environment in Mechanical Engineering: knowledge and innovation".

IFME 2007

The Second IFME was in Dornbirn, Austria. The Forum theme was "Meeting the Challenges of the Globalized Engineering Industry". The Forum was organized by and held at Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, November 29 – December 1.

Aim was to contribute to the development of both the engineering industry and engineering education by addressing the future needs of these two sectors. Companies demonstrated engineering methods and processes, with a focus on both new technologies and current and future challenges in development and production systems. Universities presented the concepts, processes and results of their didactic development initiatives, and showed how these innovations help to prepare students for work in globalized engineering professions.

IFME 2006

The 1st International Forum of Mechanical Engineering was held in Jyväskylä, Finland. The Forum was held from 30 November to 2 December at Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences. The Forum theme was "China Way or Our Way?".

The purpose of the Forum was to review and find solutions for

  • the goals and needs of European mechanical engineering industry
  • the state of European mechanical engineering industry education
  • the weak points in the circle of information between industry and education.

More information

Anneli Kakko

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
Uudistuvan teollisuuden instituutti, Institute of New Industry
Teknologia, School of Technology