Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation

We act as a forerunner in rehabilitation, developing the best rehabilitation solutions in collaboration with working and business life.

We are a developer of rehabilitation and reformer of rehabilitation competence.

Multidisciplinary rehabilitation is one of the three recognised focus areas of jamk. We act as a forerunner in rehabilitation, developing the best rehabilitation solutions in collaboration with working and business life.

Well-functioning everyday life

We are a forerunner in rehabilitation and have a significant educational mission, in addition to which we engage in a number of RDI development projects and competent service business and research activities.

At the heart of everything is a well-functioning everyday life that we pursue in a customer-oriented and multidisciplinary way by promoting working and functioning.

  • Active life and exercise rehabilitation
  • Client and Service guidance and rehabilitation processes
  • Technologies ​and operating environments ​to support rehabilitation
The Institute of Rehabilitation operates actively in the focus area of Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation.

Renewing rehabilitation through development projects

The goal of our development projects is to widely renew and develop the approaches and competence of rehabilitation.

We educate experts of multidisciplinary rehabilitation

We educate nearly 200 solid experts in multidisciplinary rehabilitation each year. We also offer master’s degree studies, specialisation studies and diploma courses.

Research in multidisciplinary rehabilitation

Research carried out in the competence area of multidisciplinary rehabilitation is extensive and Interdisciplinary research. The focus of the research is on the development of new rehabilitation methods and operating models for rehabilitation and the evaluation of their effectiveness. The interdisciplinary nature of our research activities is highlighted when different disciplines, methods and professional groups meet.

Additional information

Pekka Anttila

Johtaja Kuntoutusinstituutti, Director Institute of Rehabilitation
Kuntoutusinstituutti, Institute of Rehabilitation
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies