
SportsComp: Higher education to improve competency in Sports Physiotherapy

Project sponsors

Project type
Research project
Focus area
Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation
Implementation time
1.9.2023 - 31.8.2026
Project unit
School of Health and Social Studies
Financing program
Erasmus+ Key Action 2 2021-2027
Project description

SportsComp project
focuses on long-term competence development the academia, students, and
professionals by updating sports physiotherapy competences for the higher
education and physiotherapy organisations. Project, implemented at EQF level 7,
supports the development of English taught Master programmes, courses, and
flexible study options in sports physiotherapy through developing and piloting
innovative e-learning courses through competence-based education. Project
enhances international collaboration in sports physiotherapy and supports the
digital competences of the academia, professionals, and students.

general objective of the project is to increase the quality of sports physiotherapy
(SPT) education and profession through SPT competence development. Project
enhances the excellence of sports physiotherapy, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation
education, and supports the improvement of European health care and sport

specific objectives of the project include a) long-term SPT competence
development of the academia, students, and professionals through updating
sports physiotherapy competencies for the higher education institutions (HEIs)
and sports physiotherapy (SPT) organisations at EQF 7 level, b) to support the
development of English taught Master programmes, courses and flexible study
options in SPT through developing e-learning courses in SPT at EQF 7 level (3 x
5 ECTS Credits) and materials through competence based education (CBE),
utilizing digitalization. Objectives address SPT digitalization through the
development of digital readiness, resilience, and capacity. The objectives
support continuous professional development of the academia, professionals and
students while enhancing the growing role of sports physiotherapy.
The objectives also add to the development of new education programs for
up-skilling sportsphysiotherapists, thus rewarding excellence in learning,
teaching and skills development.

concrete results of the project include 1) updated competences of sports
physiotherapy (SPT) based on the European Qualifications (EQF) level 7 and
redefined role of the sports physiotherapist according to the CANMEDS model
(WP2). This is done in line with the WP educational Framework; 2) Three (3)
innovative e-learning courses in sports physiotherapy at EQF 7 level (3 x 5
ECTS Credits) in WP 3 including innovative teaching and learning content and
materials. Courses will be integrated to partner HEIs curricula after WP 4
development. This is done according to the competencies utilizing digital methods
and tools. The courses are developed based on the core competencies from WP2
results, which are found to be globally applicable irrespective of context in
sports physiotherapy. Two (2) of the courses are implemented (piloted) with

and assessment with one (1) course updated. Courses will be promoted forward to
academia and working life: 4) A Tutor Guide to support competence development,
learning and teaching for the academia, professionals, and learners to be used
in different environments and settings to also support the knowledge and skills
development of end-users and beneficiaries (WP4); 5) The report on the
competency update and e-learning material, which includes two (2) publications:
update in competency in BJSM (British Journal of Sports Medicine) and 2) Roles
in BMJ SEM (British Medicine Journal Open Sport & Exercise Medicine). These
are disseminated through the IFSPT's website giving potential for innovate
and courses between the partners and globally after the project end.

Further information: Armi Hirvonen ([email protected]), Project Manager, Sanna Sihvonen ([email protected])