
SimO - Monialainen simulaatioiden harjoitus-, koulutus- ja tutkimuskeskus virtuaalisissa ja reaalimaailman toimintaympäristöissä

Project sponsors

Project type
Development project
Focus area
Innovative Learning
Implementation time
1.11.2021 - 30.6.2023
Project unit
School of Health and Social Studies
Financing program
AKKE Supporting the sustainable growth and vitality of regions

Project results

The aim of the project was to identify regional simulation actors and bring them together in a joint development project. This objective was well achieved and close cooperation was initiated with the Wellbeing Services County of Central Finland (formerly the Hospital District) and the Faculty of Education and IT at the University of Jyväskylä. The project also cooperated with other regional and national actors.
Cooperation and co-development were very successful in the project. The project team was multi-professional and multi-disciplinary, which ensured a variety of perspectives in the development work. Teaching staff and students were also involved in the development work, working in close cooperation with working life. The project involved research involving all project organisations, as well as nursing teachers and students. The results will be presented in a publication and at international conferences during the project.
The project designed a roadmap and preliminary modelling of a joint simulation competence cluster capable of regional cooperation. The common goal of the project organisations and team was to continue, deepen and expand the simulation cooperation that had started well and a new project application was planned to continue the work. In addition to the regional partners, the project gained new partners interested in simulation cooperation with Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, the University of Jyväskylä and the Wellbeing Services County of Central Finland.
Publication (FIN):
Monialaisen yhteistyön voima virtuaalisissa ja reaalimaailman toimintaympäristöissä: Keskisuomalaista toimintamallia rakentamassa