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Sara appreciates that in her studies, she has been able to engage in verious practical tasks that are complemented by theoretical knowledge.
Michael Herman is from South Africa and has lived in Finland since 2011. He has spent much of my career in the social sciences. He ultimately concluded he needed to find something with better long-term prospects. That is how he ended up studying IT.
Antoinette Mintah-Asare is the first student to graduate from the English-taught Digital Rehabilitation Master School programme.
ICT students Ivan Ilichev, Yago Ferreira, Taavi Kalaluka and Veeti Hakala have already taken a bold step towards entrepreneurship during their studies. Read how the team have already started their entrepreneurial journey during their studies.
There are often mixed feelings about InnoFlash: some students look forward to the course, while others are nervous about the week ahead. Read what students thought of the course afterwards!