Degree Student
PLP and Planning Your Studies
Personal Learning Plan (PLP)
Bachelor's degree students begin preparing the Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and career plan at the start of their studies on Me as a Student in Higher Education or Development as an Expert course, depending on the year you start your studies. Students update the plans throughout their studies. Preparing the career plan supports them in understanding their work and study opportunities and making choices that affect their professional career.
Master's degree students make a personal learning plan that is based on your goals for competence development and career advancement.
In the PLP, students determine the progress of their studies, the studies to be completed and relevant schedules. Students' PLP is based on studies according to the structure of your degree programme. Additionally, students can include optional and elective studies in the PLP and plan a possible study and/or practical training period abroad as a part of their degree. The offering of optional and elective studies studies varies each academic year.
It is recommended that students take elective studies also from study offerings of other higher education institutions or other Jamk degree programmes. Other institutions of higher education are also providing an increasing number of courses to complement your studies. Students can search for online studies that are suitable for them in the Cross-institutional studies section of Peppi Study search or, for example, on (a common digital study offering portal for UAS) or portal of Jyväskylä. Please discuss your plans to study or practice abroad as well as the studies at other higher education institutions that you want to accredit towards your degree with your career tutor.
With the help of students' PLP, the students and their career tutor will monitor the progress of their studies, based on which their learning and development needs can be supported in a more individual manner. The PLP is updated in the PLP discussion held with the career tutor annually. The career tutor approves the PLP annually.
Students bear the responsibility for completing and monitoring their studies. Student guidance and support services is available throughout studies.
Students can access their personal learning plan (PLP) on the Peppi Students' Desktop. Students' PLP is based on studies according to the structure of your degree programme. They can plan their studies based on their own PLP.
Students will complete their career plans in the online learning environment Moodle's Me as a Student in Higher Education or Development as an Expert workspace.
Students can also use the timetable engine to help them plan their studies. It allows them to plan their course timetable with the implementations they are thinking of enrolling for. They can also search for implementations suitable for them for their free periods.

Flexible Completion of the Programmes
All Master's Degree programmes and part of Bachelor's Degree programmes are provided through part-time studies or online learning. Part-time studies include face-to-face teaching, distance learning, online learning, and independent study. In the Master's Degree programmes, the contact periods are arranged in the various fields of study either on two successive weekdays about once a month or in the evenings and at weekends, so you can study flexibly while working. The web-based learning environment supports the completion of studies regardless of time and place.
Some degree programmes are fully implemented online with independent and team-based web studies, webinars, web lectures, presentations and seminars. For online studies, students receive support from the course teacher.
PLP Supports in Special Situations
If students switch from one degree programme to another within Jamk or enter Jamk as a transfer student from another institution of higher education, students are unable to complete their studies within the standard study period or they have been unable to carry out their studies for an extension period of time, they shall have to create or update their PLP. The students must contact the study counsellor, career tutor (Bachelor's students) or person in charge of your degree programme (Master's students), if studies recorded in the PLP are no longer available due to e.g. a long absence.
Combining Sports and Education
It is easy to combine top-level sports and study at Jamk. We cooperate with the Jyväskylä Sports Academy and jointly develop flexible ways for this purpose.