Degree Student
Approaches to Guidance
The Early Intervention Model
Jamk University of Applied Sciences employs the early intervention model for students. The model’s premise is that we are all responsible for the well-being of the members of our community. The model for early intervention includes:
- the identification and prevention of mental health and substance abuse problems
- operational guidelines for broaching concerns
- operational guidelines for intervening in substance abuse problems
- practices for referral to treatment, monitoring and documentation.

Intoxicant-related matters
Every student is ultimately responsible for their own well-being. However, there are situations in which a student cannot recognise the changes in their situation or coping. In such cases, members of the academic community have a responsibility to bring up their concerns, applying the early intervention principle. The aim of this cooperation is to eliminate the concern. The concern remains if the student in question continues to exhibit symptoms or cause concerns in their environment.
Using intoxicants in moderation or abstaining from them is part of life management, professional growth and preparation for working life. Study Psuchologists have a role as substance abuse contact person at Jamk University of Applied Sciences. They have been specifically trained to provide support in bringing up concerns. He/she
- providing advice and support in situations where students experience issues with substance abuse and game addiction and broaching these subjects
- ensuring that students are referred to treatment
- organising drug testing and ensuring that the student is heard prior to testing
- acting as a contact person in a multi-professional network.
Operational guidelines for various situations involving intoxicant use are described below:
A) Operational guideline for when a student notices that they are in need of help due to a substance abuse or gaming problem
- Contact any person who you consider reliable or substance abuse contact person (Study Psychologist) and tell them about your substance abuse problem. Describe the state of your studies and how you will proceed with them.
- Working together, determine the ideal form of treatment for you and commit to it. The treatment provider can be a substance abuse nurse or a substance abuse services centre run by the Wellbeing Services County of Central Finland , for example.
B) Operational guideline for when concerns are raised about a student’s use of intoxicants
- As the person who observed the concern, contact the substance abuse contact person (Study Psychologist). Set up a joint meeting with the student and bring up the concern with the student confidentially, while respecting their privacy. Do not make the student feel guilty, but tell them openly about the observations that you have made that contribute to your concern.
- If necessary, consult a career tutor, a study counsellor, a study psychologist or health care services.
- If the concern is moderate, the substance abuse contact person organises the student’s referral to health care services for treatment in cooperation with the student.
- The substance abuse contact person coordinates follow-up measures and possible network meetings, which may be attended by representatives of health care services and Jamk guidance staff in addition to the student.
C) Operational guideline for when a student is intoxicated on campus
- Make sure that the student poses no danger to themselves or others.
- a) Minor concern: bring up the subject with the intoxicated student, preferably together with another person.
b) Moderate / major concerns: directly contact the janitors or 112. - Guide the student home safely.
- Contact the substance abuse contact person (Study Psychologist), who is responsible for setting up how to bring up the subject and referral to treatment.
- Submit any documents prepared as a result of the situation to the substance abuse contact person, who is responsible for the electronic archiving of relevant documents.
- Initiation of disciplinary measures, if necessary (section 40 of Degree Regulations).