Research in the field of Bioeconomy
Smart farming applied research
In Jamk's applied research on smart farming (SF) at the Institute of Bioeconomy, we focus on interdisciplinary smart farming and related digitalisation. We aim to speed up SF innovations by concentrating our actions on the adoption phase of innovation. We are an expert in applied research in the field and a gatherer of actors in the field. We are actively searching for partners to complete our mission.

AB Smart DIH - Smart Agriculture & Bioeconomy Digital Innovation Hub
Situated in the heart of agriculture in Central Finland, the Smart Agriculture & Bioeconomy Digital Innovation Hub (AB Smart DIH) is an integral part of JAMK Institute of Bioeconomy (BTI), a regional Competence Center of Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences. AB Smart DIH is member of Finnish AgriHubi and part of the European network. AB Smart DIH connects farmers, companies, researchers, developers, students, educators, and end-users within the entire food-chain and bioeconomy.
As a DIH, we provide single-window services that aim at speeding up validation and adoption of smart farming practices and digitalization, as well as contributing to the development of new rural and data-based business models. Services are always adapted to client needs.
Schematic view of assets facilitated by AB Smart DIH (center), its prime target stakeholders (left) and key deliverables (right).

List of services proposed for AB Smart DIH
Project: Building Sustained Smart Farming and Bioeconomy Competence in Central Finland
A systematic integration of agrology, bioeconomy and IT student assets (e.g. as part of study modules or degree programs) and agricultural end-users (training & technology adoption) in the process of RDI and adoption of Smart Farming Technology (SFT) is an important motivator for agri-tech and agri-food companies to invest in, or collaborate with, Competence Centers and Digital Innovation Hubs that are part of educational RDI organisations (such as BTI & AB Smart DIH). In this process, current competences are strengthened and enabled, future experts and end-users are educated and formed, and suppliers & users of technology are being linked efficiently.
In a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 818182 (, we widen and developing the scope of our DIH strategy by actively building on these perceived multi-actor synergies to achieve an improved, continuous, and sustained process of SFT enablement and adoption across sectors and generations.
Specifically, we a) explicitly integrate above mentioned target groups into our current service portfolio and b) add specific services to support and develop cross-sectoral and -generational synergies. Project measures and pilots are based on involvement and interactions of students, end-users and corporate stakeholders in ecosystem building, technology & adoption and business services.

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Hannu Haapala
Gilbert Ludwig

Juho Pirttiniemi
Jyrki Kataja