
AccelEd - Accelerating Master and PhD level nursing education development in the higher education system in Kazakhstan

Project sponsors

Project type
Development project
Focus area
Innovative Learning
Implementation time
15.11.2020 - 14.11.2023
Project unit
School of Health and Social Studies
Financing program
Erasmus+ Key Action 2
Project description

What is AccelEd? 

The project 'Accelerating Master and PhD level Nursing Education
Development in the Higher Education System in Kazakhstan – AccelEd'
seeks to reform nursing science and research in the higher education system
of Kazakhstan, focusing on the modernization of governance, management and
functioning of healthcare and physical-sciences-related higher education
practices in Kazakhstan. 

Modernization in the framework of AccelEd means the improvement of
governance, planning, service quality assurance, internationalization,
and wider recognition of nursing education on Master and PhD levels, as
well as contribution to the promotion of lifelong learning in nursing.
As a structural project, AccelEd is implemented with
the assistance of the Kazakhstani ministries responsible for healthcare
and education to ensure the sustainability and incorporation of actions
into the
future operational plans of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  

A set of aims and objectives of the AccelEd project was shaped based
on the challenges on nursing higher education and specific needs of the
project target groups. A wide range of national, local and international
stakeholders, including academic staff and policy makers, were engaged
in the feasibility study of the project proposal, therefore ensuring that the aims and
objectives are reachable and relevant for the national context in
Kazakhstan. Thus, the general project goal to strengthen nursing
education on Master level and to launch PhD nursing
science in Kazakhstan through changes in policy, legal framework, and
institutional structures correspond to the strategic interests of the
Republic of Kazakhstan and meet the needs expressed by the specialists
who are involved in the nursing education, research and clinical

Years of implementation: 2021 – 2023. 

Key directions of the project's work 

In order to reach the main aim, the project is moving in four directions: 

  • Strengthening nursing science in Kazakhstan through the
    capacity building of teaching staff based on contemporary issues in
    global nursing

AccelEd intends to develop competencies of nursing faculty members in
order to ensure smooth implementation of three cycles of Bologna-type
reforms in education, and will enact the trinity of the education,
practice and research of nursing in the country.  

Responsible partners: Åbo Akademi University and Astana Medical University. 

  • Joining the broader international community of nursing
    researchers to build the capacity of nursing faculty in research
    methodologies (WP 2.2)
Best European practices and
methodologies are to be transferred for applying them by the teachers of
nursing research (peer-learning, counseling and internship

Responsible partners: Lithuanian University of Health sciences and Nazarbayev University Medical School. 

  • Creating sustainable structures and systematic processes
    for cooperation in nursing research between medical universities and
    healthcare institutions to foster evidence-based nursing (WP 2.3)

New approaches and tools are to be introduced to the project target
groups in order to facilitate creation of sustainable continuation and
application of nursing education and research to practical innovation
development in healthcare system.  

Responsible partners: JAMK University of Applied Sciences and Karaganda Medical University. 

  • Initiating structural and institutional changes in
    managing Master and PhD level nursing education and quality assurance of
    post graduate education in nursing according to best European practices

Activities carried out by the project address improvement of quality
assurance system in nursing Master and PhD level education, developing
competence in nursing research and final theses development and setting
clear guidelines for graduates and evaluators of nursing faculties of KZ
medical universities. 

Responsible partners: Utrecht University Medical Centre, S. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University.