EATHEN establishing the Support Centers

The Nepalese partners have been working hard in establishing Support Centers in their universities. 

House at the campus of Tribhuvan University in Pokhara

The premises of new support centers were located in the beginning of EATHEN project: one center at the Nepal Open University, one center at Kathmandu University and three centers at Tribhuvan university (main campus, western campus and eastern campus).

Equipping the Support Centers

One important part of the establishment of Support centers was the purchase of equipment. The project plan included that all Support Centers were equipped with necessary aids and programs. 

Below you can see also the EATHEN project's meeting at the engineering consultancy. Some equipments are not available in the market of Nepal. The tendering of the EATHEN project for support centers' equipment was underway in 2021. 

EATHEN meeting at the Engineering Consultancy

The support center at Kathmandu University: 

A building at the Kathmandu university campus