ISET – One World educates committed teachers for the future

On 19.9.2022 TEPATE project partners visited ISET – One World, one of Mozambican partner HEIs.

The ISET One-World school building from outside, with high roof. One man walking to the school.

ISET – One World (full name: Instituto Superior de Educação e Tecnologia, ISET - One World), run by ADPP Mozambique, is located in Changalane district, rural Mozambique. 

In TEPATE project, six Key Experts from ISET – One World participate the training for pedagogical skills to apply learner-centred pedagogy in practice and the education module development work on enhancing the theory-practice balance of teacher education. 

During the visit, we exchanged knowledge and experiences on holistic thinking of education, health and environment, learning through practice and theory, cooperative learning. We all agree, that interaction between practical and theoretical studies in the learning process is necessary for learning.  

What is ADPP?

ADPP is the Aid for the Development of People for People, a Mozambican non-governmental association, that works across Quality Education, Health and Well-being, Sustainable Agriculture, and the Environment. More information: linkki jos ehditään löytää)

A large group of Mozambiqan and Finnish people standing outside a building in sunshine

The teacher training programme in ISET One-World 

ISET One-World applies holistic education philosophy in their teacher training programme, where the educational focus moves towards the life skills, attitudes and personal awareness that the student will need in an increasingly complex world. 

The Global Year

The first year of the teacher education program is called “The Global Year”. In this year the students travel around African countries to have experiences of realities in different countries. Learn about Africa by studying, traveling and discussing with people in other countries. The aim is to get the understanding of the global context. 

Second Year - As a teacher in the community in Mozambique

During the second year the program turns attention to Mozambique. The aim of the second year is to make students be aware and familiar with the reality of neighborhood and communities of ISET One-world, understand the current development and the development needs of Mozambique. Students are encouraged to think about what is the next to Mozambique. Students also conduct practical activities in the neighboring primary schools. During 2022, there have been a very interesting module, which is about bandu language and bilingual teaching. In this module students learned how to share and transmit knowledge through bandu language. “Many people in our community speak bandu language, which is the local language” 

The Pedagogy Year

The third year is the Pedagogy year. It’s time for teacher trainees to be familiar with practice, pedagogical aspect related to didactic of special subjects. It is the year that students specialize and short period internship.

The Professional year

The 4th year is considered as the professional year. The teacher trainee develop themselves as teachers. Trainees are allocated to ADPP schools or any other teacher training institution, so that they learn methodological aspects. This internship allow trainees to be able to practice what they have learned. 

Combining theory and practice

At ISET One-World, practice is considered as a valuable tool for learning. Like Ms. Anne Hoejholt, an expert from ADPP said, “one of ISET One-World’s pedagogical principles is to combine theory and practice”.

The other ADPP expert, Thomas Hojmark also said “we learn from practice”. The world and the society are changing rapidly. We need to empower the students to be creative, self-directed, confident and adaptive.

Together with other supportive organizations as ADPP, TEPATE project support our Mozambican partner HEIs to further enhance the theory-practice balance in their initial eacher education and by doing so, supports the efforts of the Mozambican government to improve the overall quality of education in the country.

TEPATE Mozambique

The TEPATE Project focuses on enhancing the theory-practice balance of teacher education at the Mozambican partner HEIs.


Visit  to Primary School and Women association at Changalane district 

ISET - One World has a crucial role in educating teachers for small villages and remote areas. It is located in Mozambican rural area named Changalane district. In Changalane, we visited one local primary school and Women’s association.