Advancing unity in University of Applied Sciences
In the Equal and United University of Applied Sciences project we advance unity by developing tutoring and expanding mentoring, starting a meeting place for students and offering compassion mentoring.

Advancing unity with tutoring and mentoring
JAMKO works in this project as a collaboration partner and our goal is to advance unity with tutoring and mentoring. By developing tutoring and expanding mentoring we reinforce the formation and stability of UAS’s communities.
JAMKO’s tutors and mentors create unity already by existing.
Tutors are in a very important role for the first year students who have the tutors as their first experience into the communities in Jamk.
Mentors will help students after the first year when tutoring “has come to its end”. Mentors help over study field barriers and create new ways to advance unity.
Developing mentoring
Mentoring has been in motion in JAMKO for about six years so no wonder that it might feel a bit distant to many students. Mentoring has been developed to continue tutoring and it has worked as a path to deepen one’s own guidance skills. During this project mentor training’s contents will be checked out and their amount will get much higher. The purpose of this is to train mentors to have more skills to guide and help to support students in the challenges of their studies and well-being. There will be additions to the current themes of the trainings which include compassionate leading, developing one’s emotional intelligence, schedule building and arranging events. Mentors will also be more visible to students and in the support of tutors. Mentors could be called as a Tutor 2.0.
Supporting tutors with guidance meetings
Tutoring was developed as a part of the OHKE-project in 2021-2022. A good way to support tutors were professional guidance meetings which were piloted in the project. Guidance meetings will be a permanent part of tutoring.
In the autumn 2022 tutors’ professional guidance meetings were changed to just guidance meetings and they were executed as part of YYamk project’s own model of three-step support:
- Sectoral guidance meetings as part of tutoring
- Free-formed “tutorturinat”
- Need-based conversations for individual support
Read more about the model of three-step support
The support for tutors includes three forms of support or step:
Sectoral guidance meetings:
At first JAMKO’s tutor sector meets with tutors in sectoral meetings discussing in groups about orientation week, how tutoring is going and tutors are reminded about their duties. Sectoral guidance meetings are for all tutors.
Need-based questionnaire:
After the sectoral guidance meetings tutors are introduced to and shared a need-based questionnaire built by Jamk’s guidance and well-being staff. When a tutor answers that questionnaire he/she/they can get individual support for tutoring if they want.
The third form of service is a free-formed Tutorturinat-event organized by JAMKO board’s tutor responsibles. Tutors can participate in the event when they want and come drink coffee and/or talk with other tutors about the hottest topics or just about how they are doing.
When talking about supporting tutors it is important to take into notice that the support offered to them can’t stop when this project ends. Utilizing the know-how of mentors is part of a solution intended to be sustainable.
From the spring 2023 on, guidance meetings are organized by JAMKO’s mentors. They hold meetings four times a tutoring year: first in the spring before tutoring actually starts and three times during the autumn when tutoring is most active. Jamk’s guidance and well-being services’ staff will be invited as working partners if necessary. Themes in guidance meetings can be for example tutor's own ability to cope, scheduling and how tutoring is going.
Meeting place
Especially after studying remotely students long for communities and the feeling of unity after getting back to campus. The feeling of unity can be achieved for example by meeting with other students and sharing your own experiences with others. So that students could talk and meet with each other they should be offered a chance and a platform for it. The purpose of this concept called the meeting place is to offer a safe space and a place where students can also meet Jamk’s well-being personnel and JAMKO’s mentors. At the moment there is already a team called Dare to Care which consists of Jamk’s well-being personnel which is once a month offering Hype-coffee at Rajakatu, Lutakko and Music campuses. These coffee times will be refined forward so they could be a regular event that all students know and where they can come to talk for example about the themes around well-being and get more information about getting help when needed.
Students are studying outside campuses more and more since hybrid and multiform teaching are becoming more popular. This meeting place concept should be accessible to all students regardless of their form of studying.
Study Together study groups at Jamk:
Join the study group and get help with the challenge of getting started and build a routine for independent study, as well as develop your academic study skills. More information about the study groups
How and where would you like to meet with other students and Jamk’s well-being personnel?
Compassion mentoring at Jamk
Compassion is known to promote mental well-being and success in studies, as well as experiences of cohesion and meaningfulness. In 2023, the YYamk project will organise compassion mentoring for students, which is based on the peer group activities model developed by Nyyti ry. Participating the mentoring group can benefit, for example, students who experience stress, exhaustion, or feel that they are hard to perform or are demanding in relation to themselves.
In a group, students get to strengthen your own ability to have a compassionate attitude and action. Participation in a compassion mentoring group can be accredited to optional studies. More information: (in Finnish) Myötätuntoa korkeakouluihin -hankkeen (Nyyti ry.).
Nyyti ry. has selected Jamk as a partner for the 2023 Compassion Mentoring Partnership Project. With it, Nyyti ry. provides strong practical support for the Communal and Equal University of Applied Sciences project and the development of compassion mentoring in Jamk.
Visibility for students
Our goal is to make a practical and concrete project. During OHKE project was piloted and thought about themes around well-being, tutoring and mentoring in theory and now the intention is to establish those things as part of the continuous actions. We want to bring this project closer to students so in the early autumn we kept stands for example at Jamk’s Back to Campus-festival. In the stands were Jamk’s well-being personnel together with at the same time operating other well-being projects. We have wanted to be concretely visible for students and have conversations with them about well-being and different kinds of needs for support.
At the stands we have wanted to involve students to gather their thoughts together into post-it notes which are put up as part of the dashboard: “a well-being tree”. To awaken some thoughts from the students we used two questions: “How do you define a well-being UAS?” and “What helps you feel good during your studies?”. With the answers we have gathered valuable feedback directly from the students which we are concluding afterwards to be sent forward. Based on the answers we will also write blogs which you can access in this project’s front page.
Developing the teachers' and personnel skills
- Trainings for the teaching and guidance personnel
- Special education teacher's services
Project Coordinator
Student Union JAMKO
Senior Lecturer
Jamk University of Applied Sciences
Project manager, Special education teacher
Jamk University of Applied Sciences
[email protected]
Tel. +35840 521 9415