RDI2CluB and Biobord Team
Project Team
Central Finland
- JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Higher education and research institution
- Regional Council of Central Finland, Regional public authority
- SSYP Kehitys Oy Ltd., Business support organization
Inland Norway
- Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Higher education and research institution
- Inland County Council, Regional public authority
- Tretorget Ltd, Sectoral agency
Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship in Poland
- Regional Science and Technology Center, Business support organisation
- Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, Regional public authority
- Foundation for Education and Social Dialogue PRO CIVIS, NGO
Vidzeme Region in Latvia
- Institute for Environmental Solutions, NGO
- Vidzeme Planning Region, Regional public authority
- Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Center, Higher education and research institution

Central Finland
- JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Higher education and research institution
Skåne Sweden
- Krinova Incubator and Science Park
Värmland Sweden
- Paper Province, Business cluster
Vidzeme Latvia
- Vidzeme Planning region, Regional public authority
- Institute for Environmental Solutions, NGO
Inland Norway
- Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Higher education and research institution
- Tretorget Ltd. Sectoral agency
Tallin/Pärnu Estonia
- Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Center, Higher education and research institution
Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship in Poland
- Foundation for Education and Social Dialogue PRO CIVIS, NGO


Riikka Kumpulainen
Vanhempi asiantuntija, Senior Advisor
Biotalousinstituutti, Institute of Bioeconomy
Teknologia, School of Technology