Terms of use of Electronic Resources

Who may access

The e-resources provided by the library may be used by the students, teachers and other staff of Jamk University of Applied Sciences from computers connected to the Jamk network. Remote access from off-campus devices is also possible with the Jamk username and password. Other visitors at the library may use most of the resources on the computers reserved for the purpose.

The terms of use of each electronic resource are defined in their respective licences, and the users must conform to them.

You may

  • browse and search
  • print reasonable amounts of retrieved sets for personal study or research purposes
  • copy (to a disk or USB memory stick, etc.) reasonable amounts of retrieved sets for personal study or research purposes
  • print or save modest excerpts of e-books or articles for personal study and research purposes (that is, not the whole book, and not for commercial purposes)
  • send one copy of an article by e-mail, mail or fax for the personal use of one individual, as a form of scientific communication.

You may not

  • use all or any part of licensed materials for commercial purposes
  • present original materials (for example, articles) on a course website
  • print or copy entire books (e-books or extensive full-text articles)
  • edit, distribute, or sell licensed materials to unauthorized users
  • systematically produce prints or electronic copies of multiple extracts of materials for any purpose
  • remove or alter authors' names, publisher's copyright notices, or other copyright management information, identification or disclaimers as they appear in the licensed materials
  • install or distribute any part of licensed materials on any electronic network other than the Jamk network
  • use computer programs that automatically download licensed material (such as web robots, spiders, crawlers, wanderers or accelerators).