Bachelor's Degree

Study Game Production and become a BBA in our degree programme in business information technology

Game Production, Business Information Technology, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Jamk's Business Information Technology (BIT) is one of the few bachelor’s level programmes among Universities of Applied Sciences dedicated solely to video game development and production.

Apply 3-17 January 2024 on
Young man with glasses sitting in a gaming chair looking into the camera with computer in the background
Product scope
Annual intake
Application period
03.01.2024 - 17.01.2024
Bachelor of Business Administration
Study modes
Full-time studies

Game Production, Business Information Technology, Bachelor of Business Administration,

Welcome to Game Production! Here students do not only earn a BBA degree diploma - they also gain significant project work experience in different game development projects!

Our programme is an active partner with the Jyväskylä Digi and Game Center, giving our students a direct line of contact with local game development companies as well as the local game development collective.

Our students get to learn and interact with actual companies in their studies - practical training, projects and thesis work being the most common ways to co-operate with the working life. We also offer support for those interested in participating in important game development events on local, national, or the North European level.

Study contents

In Game Production. you can learn more about Game Development, Game Design, Game Programming, Cross-reality, Gamification, Monetization, Game Art, Visual Design, Audio, and Video Editing. Learning by doing is the main theme in this programme. This principle is utilized in almost all the modules and courses in the programme. In addition to face-to-face courses the learning goals are achieved by doing exercises and course wide assignments. The assignments can be e.g. developing a small size proof of concept game or a theme song of a game. The assessment is mostly done by recognizing the skills and knowledge face-to-face with the teacher in charge. Exams are used deliberately.

Another fundamental method is project-based learning. Students will create teams to solve given problems and create solutions. Tens of credits can be obtained by working in teams and developing own products from technical and businesswise aspects.

The programme offers good variety of online and hybrid options for studies. 

First year

During the first year, students concentrate on the fundamentals of game development, such as programming, game design, game engines and visual design as skills to work in game development projects. They also acquire the necessary general working life skills

Second year

During the second year, students continue to develop their knowledge in game development and game production. They further invest into their skills in Game Art, Game Programming & Engines or complementary professional fields. From second year onwards students also gain international exposure.

Third year

In the beginning of the third academic year students participate in Ticorporate Demo Lab, with focus on product development in a student-lead project. They are provided a working life environment and infrastructure together with local game development companies residing in Digi and Game Center. Practical training and/or an exchange period abroad is encouraged after Ticorporate Demo Lab project. One option is to continue the project work and game development with a team in Digi and Game Center with focus on entrepreneurship, production, monetization and publication of polished game product.

How to apply in January

Short step-by-step instructions on how to apply.

1. Application time 3 – 17 January 2024 by 3.00 pm on

You can apply with upper secondary school certificate or with a higher education certificate. You can also apply even if your secondary school degree certificate is completed during the spring of applying (high school / senior secondary school certificate). Jamk uses also discretionary admission.

Apply online 3 - 17 January 2024 by 3.00 pm Finnish time (UTC+2) on

3. Online course and interview

Students will be selected to the Jamk's degree programme in Business Information Technology on the basis of the points awarded for an online course and interview. Applicant participates and completes an online course in English at Jamk's Open UAS, which is scored. The online course is part of degree programme's curriculum. 

Applying, step-by-step:

  1. Apply for Business Information Technology on during joint application period 3 - 17 January 2024 by 3.00 pm Finnish time.
  2. Applicants applied in the joint application with valid application to the degree programme in question will be automatically registered for the open UAS online course.
  3. The online course begins on 29 January 2024 and ends on 24 March 2024.
  4. After the online course minimum of 150 applicants with highest points will be invited to the online group interview. The interview will be held during weeks 14-15 (1 - 12 April 2024). Spoken and written language will be tested during interview.

Total scoring:

  • Online course minimum 20 out of 60 points (the course and it's exam must be accepted with certain minimum points, more information will be at the course platform).
  • Interview minimum 20 out of 40 points (interview's written part must be completed succesfully with certain minimum points).

Business Information Technology & Information and Communication Technology programmes have their own online courses, which do not co-operate. If you apply for both programmes, you will accomplish two separate online courses.

For Business Information Technology it is NOT necessary to provide a language proficiency certificate. The English language skills will be tested at the online course. 

4. Results and accepting the study place

Results are announced middle/end of April at the earliest and on 31 May 2024, at the latest.


  1. accept the study place on
  2. enrol for attendance/non-attendance on
  3. NON-EU/EEA citizens: pay the tuition fee payment as soon as possible
  4. start the residence permit (if needed) application process immediately in April to be able to start your studies in August. The residence permit application process might take time over 2 months, so be in time!

The final deadline to accept the study place, enrol for attendance and pay the possible tuition fee is 11 July 2024 by 3:00 pm Finnish time. There are no tuition fees for Finnish or other EU/EEA citizens.

Studies will begin in the middle of August 2024. Please, arrive to Jyväskylä, Finland by that time!

Contact information

Mika Karhulahti

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
Matkailu ja palvelut, Tourism and Service Business
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

Niko Kiviaho

Päällikkö matkailu ja palvelut, Head of Department Tourism and Hospitality
Matkailu ja palvelut, Tourism and Service Business
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

Christina Borén

Koulutuskoordinaattori, Education Coordinator
Matkailu ja palvelut, Tourism and Service Business
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

How to apply for Bachelor’s Degrees

Application timetable and selection criteria for bachelor's degree programmes conducted in English. Application period 3 - 17 January 2024 by 3.00 p.m.

Tuition fees and scholarships

The tuition fee concerns non-EU/EEA degree students who study in English-taught Bachelor's or Master's degree programme. Scholarship available.

Admission Services

Admission Services will assist you in all matters related to applying for degree programmes.